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Photo of Elizabeth
Graduate/Adult Student Success Advisor
Graduate Admissions
Photo of Angela
Associate Director of Athletics
Photo of Matt
ESL Coordinator, Tutoring & Writing Center Coordinator
Academic Resource Center; Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Photo of Freddie
Head Lifting Sports Coach / Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach
Photo of Kim
Graduate Assistant Women's Soccer Coach
Photo of Greg
Assistant Football Coach
Photo of Kellie
Uzziah Scholars Program Director
Department of Natural Sciences
Photo of Wyatt
Graduate Assistant Football Coach
Photo of Dale
Facilities Director
Building & Grounds
Photo of Patrick
Director of Dining Services
Dining Services
Photo of Drew
Head Women's Basketball Coach
Photo of Kindra
Concordia Fund Manager
Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations
Photo of Shanna
Associate Professor of Education, Elementary Education Director
Department of Education
Photo of Lisa
Administrative Assistant for the President & Provost
President's Office
Photo of Dylan
Head Shooting Sports Coach
Photo of Beth
Director of Dual Credit and School Partnerships, Associate Professor of Education
Dual Credit; Department of Education
Photo of Tonya
Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice
Department of Human and Social Sciences
Photo of Brian
Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice
Department of Human and Social Sciences
Photo of Matthew
Dr. C. Matthew Phillips Download Matthew's Contact Card
Professor of History
Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Photo of Hayley
Admissions Counselor
Undergraduate Admissions
Photo of Raymi
Graduate Enrollment Specialist
Graduate Admissions