Concordia Stories

Senior Madelyn Graham calls Concordia Nebraska “the perfect environment for student-teacher academic relationships to flourish”
Aug 8, 2024
Academics, News, Students
Concordia Nebraska sophomore Grace Marshall named winner of biennial Richard Hillert Award in Student Composition
Aug 7, 2024
Pre-seminary and music junior Hunter Remington treasures Concordia Nebraska’s rich Lutheran heritage
Aug 6, 2024
Faculty, News
Concordia Nebraska’s Dr. Jennifer Janousek contributes chapter to recently-published Concordia Publishing House book Faith at Work
Aug 5, 2024
Who cares for the caregivers?
Aug 1, 2024
Renewing Faith
Aug 1, 2024
Beyond the “Mountain Top Experience”
Aug 1, 2024
Campus Life
Messages of Grace, Mercy and Compassion
Aug 1, 2024
To Walk Alongside
Aug 1, 2024
Academics, Students
Bulldogs football player sophomore Luke Penrod looks forward to “seeing where God will lead me,” dreams of physician’s assistant career serving others
Aug 1, 2024
Campus Life, News
Concordia Nebraska hosts Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education annual summer conference
Jul 31, 2024
Academics, Graduate School
Transform Your Teaching: Integrating STEAM into the Classroom
Jul 31, 2024
News, Students
Senior Bulldogs Jackson Munter and Bella Schmid serve at summer music camp: “A very rewarding experience”
Jul 30, 2024
Academics, Faculty
English department chair Tobin Beck calls Concordia Nebraska “a big family”
Jul 29, 2024
Academics, Students
Senior Rhaya Kaschinske: “Concordia is different from other universities because we get to have Jesus as the center of everything”
Jul 24, 2024
Alumnus Sara Kettelhake serves others as a health educator for Four Corners Health Department
Jul 23, 2024
Alumni, Faculty
Alumnus Morgan Grindey serves Concordia Nebraska as assistant director of student life, helps students find their place on campus
Jul 22, 2024
Alumni, News
Concordia Nebraska alumni group enjoys Bulldogs on the Road Mediterranean cruise
Jul 22, 2024
Career Spotlight: Educating God's people in the parish setting as a Director of Christian Education
Jul 18, 2024
Academics, Students
Senior track and field triple jumper Greta Corneliusen dreams of serving others in nutrition and functional medicine career
Jul 18, 2024