Internships and Practicums

Concordia’s Career Services office can help you you find an internship, connect with a faculty advisor, and earn academic credit. Let us help you launch your career through a hands-on experience!

It's never too early to start thinking about internships! Internships can help you explore your personal and professional interests, try out a career option and network with professionals.


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Next Steps:

Types of internships

Internships can be paid or unpaid , full- or part-time and generally occur during academic semesters. You can sometimes earn academic credit to go along with your internship.

Find an internship

Make an appointment with the career center to help craft your resume, cover letter and set up your Handshake profile. Research and review company websites for established internship programs and ask your professors and career services about potential internship opportunities.

Connect with your faculty advisor

Academic departments determine what constitutes an internship worthy of academic credit. Check with your advisor regarding internship requirements specific to your academic program. Your advisor will also help oversee your academic progress throughout your internship.

Do the work

Once you’ve secured your internship, do the work! This is the part of the experience that matters most. Keep in mind that your internship provides you with valuable skills that you can add to your resume and apply to your experiences after college.