B.A. Theology
Major Minor
Theology Featured Courses
As a student in the theology major at Concordia Nebraska, you’ll have the opportunity to take specialized courses related to various aspects of the theology profession. These classes, designed to equip you for leadership and service in various theology careers, are taught by some of our esteemed faculty who have extensive experience in their fields.
REL 121
History and Literature of the Old Testament 3 credits
A historical and theological survey of the Old Testament era and the Old Testament writings with an emphasis on summarizing and communicating their major themes.
THEO 210
Faith and Life 3 credits
This course examines the implications of Lutheran Christian theology for an understanding of vocation at both the personal and corporate levels. The emphasis of the course is on the application to life of biblically based Lutheran theology. Topics to be explored will include, but will not be limited to: a survey of the Reformation era, the proper distinction between Law and Gospel, two-kingdoms theology, the priesthood of all believers, vocation, stewardship, ethics, and select contemporary issues in Christian theology.
THEO 371
History of Christian Thought 3 credits
A study of major events and controversies in Western Christianity. The creeds, teachings which resulted, and the personalities which significantly influenced the formation of Christian thought are studied on the basis of original texts in translation.
PHIL 301
Concepts in Philosophy 3 credits
A general orientation in the field of philosophy through a consideration of its major types and problems. Emphasis upon the practice of critical thinking and an appreciation of the greater thought systems of history.
HIST 313
Religion and Society in the United States 3 credits
A historical analysis of the interaction between religion and society in the United States from pre-colonial to contemporary times; emphasis on themes such as Puritanism, revivalism, social reform, religious pluralism, civil religion, and on-going theological issues. Attention is given to the development of Lutheranism in the American setting.
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Theology Sample Schedule of Courses
The following sample course of study is an example of the sequence of courses you might take in order to receive your degree. Please plan to discuss your actual course of study with your advisor, who can help you stay on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Semester 1
General Education 12 cr.
12 Total Credits
Semester 2
REL 121
History and Literature of the Old Testament 3 cr.
General Education 13 cr.
16 Total Credits
Semester 3
THEO 210
Faith and Life 3 cr.
THEO 251
Interpretation of Selected Pauline Epistles 3 cr.
THEO 371
History of Christian Thought 3 cr.
General Education 6 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 4
THEO 242
Interpretation of Selected Psalms 3 cr.
PHIL 301
Concepts in Philosophy 3 cr.
General Education 10 cr.
16 Total Credits
Semester 5
THEO 331
Studies in the Life of Christ 3 cr.
THEO 361
Christian Doctrine I 3 cr.
HIST 313
Religion and Society in the United States 3 cr.
THEO 382
Theology of Corporate Worship 3 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 6
THEO 450
Understanding and Teaching the Bible 3 cr.
THEO 362
Christian Doctrine II 3 cr.
HIST 334
Early and Medieval Christianity 3 cr.
THEO 385
Parish Visitation and Evangelism 3 cr.
PHIL 311
History of Philosophical Thought I 3 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
18 Total Credits
Semester 7
THEO 375
Christian Denominations and Religious Movements 3 cr.
THEO 363
The Lutheran Confessions 3 cr.
HIST 335
The Renaissance and the Reformation 3 cr.
THEO 390
World Religions: The Gospel in a Pluralistic World 3 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
15 Total Credits
Semester 8
THEO 418
From Exile to Christ: A Study of the Political and Theological Development in Judaism during the Intertestamental Period 3 cr.
PHIL 312
History of Philosophical Thought II 3 cr.
General Education 3 cr.
9 Total Credits

Theology Faculty
As experts in theology, our faculty and instructors bring years of experience to the classroom.