Avoiding Burnout

Published by Anabelle 3 years ago on Tue, May 4, 2021 11:14 AM

There comes a certain point in the semester when you start to feel as if the world around you is falling apart and you’re drowning in all of your assignments. This, my friends is burnout. Today we’re going to discuss how to avoid burnout, and what to do if you’re already experiencing burnout.  

Avoid Avoid Avoid  

Anywhere from midterms to finals, burnout can hit you. Here are three tips on how to avoid burnout.  

  1. If you find yourself starting to feel unmotivated to do assignments, or you can no longer sit in your hard as a rock chair, close your laptop, pack up your things and leave. I know this might sound crazy but it works! If you’re starting to feel that itch to just get up and you can’t sit still or focus any longer, then listen to your body! Go for a walk outside, take some deep breaths, and relax. Your assignments will still be there after your 10-15 minute walk, I promise.  
  2. ‘Treat yo self!’ One of the best discoveries I made in college was learning to give myself little rewards for completing assignments or projects. Some of these rewards can be small or big. For example, if I finished a few assignments for that week, I would go and buy myself my favorite pack of Albanese gummy bears. They’re the best gummy bears in the world; no other gummy bears will suffice. If I finished a final, or a semester long project, I would treat myself to a new outfit. Buying new clothes is always a plus, and you’ll feel like a brand new person with an amped up wardrobe.  
  3. Stress buster!!! Find something that you can do that will make your mind feel at ease. For me, I go to the gym or I run on the trail behind campus. By going to the gym or running 2-3 times a week, I feel less stressed and my body feels good as well. If exercising isn’t for you, that’s okay, there are plenty of other things that you can do! Some people like to knit, cook, bake, or do some fun arts and crafts. There is no shame in finding an activity that makes you feel at ease. Try to do this activity 2-3 times a week, for at least 30 minutes, and you will find yourself getting through those tough weeks! 

Help! I’ve Fallen and Can’t Get up! 

Being in a state of distress is never a good thing. You feel panicked and overwhelmed, you feel as though you’ll never meet your deadlines, but you can! You may have fallen, but the choice is up to you on whether or not you want to get back up. Here are three tips on what to do when you’re experiencing burnout.  

  1. Get organized! If you don’t already have a planner or some sort of organization app, get one! Having a planner will save your life in college. A planner will help remind you of assignments, deadlines, and tests. My favorite organization app is “To-doist”, this app is AMAZING!!! It is super easy to navigate and helps you feel accomplished when completing tasks. Getting organized doesn’t just mean setting time aside to organize your schedule for the week but it also means cleaning! Yes, cleaning. Organizing your dorm will help your brain feel clear, and help your body feel more relaxed. 
  2. Put in those earbuds!!! Headphones are a must for college, especially during burnouts. When doing homework, specifically when you’re cramming, listen to instrumental music. There are hundreds of different types of instrumental playlists that you can listen to; classical, lo-fi beats, french cafè, peaceful piano, etc. Music that contains lyrics is a no-go when it comes to doing homework, because  it takes away the focus you need to complete an assignment.  
  3. Take a break. When you’re cramming, it can feel overwhelming at times, setting up your homework time in increments is best. The best time increments that helped me the most was setting them up as such: work for 30 minutes, take a 5 minute break. And if you’re really cramming, work for an hour straight and give yourself a 10 minute break. By setting up your homework time as such, it will help give your brain time to recover and help you feel less stressed.  

Remember, whether you’re trying to avoid burnout or you’re currently dealing with it, you will always get past it. Believe in yourself and stay on task, you got this!