Trusting God's Plan

Published by Kathleen von Kampen 3 years ago on Wed, May 27, 2020 1:56 PM

As Christians, we often ask ourselves, and God, “What’s God’s plan for my life?”  We seek God’s plan for our lives in many ways:  education, relationships, trying to discover the spiritual gifts God has given us, etc.  We pray and ask God to provide direction and a “vision” of our futures in which we are living God’s will.  We can sometimes worry we will somehow “miss” God’s will for our lives and end up living a life without purpose, or even worse, disappointing God.

When things in our life or in the world seem to be chaotic, problematic or uncertain, it’s particularly easy to worry that these “interruptions” may derail our lives from what God has in His plan for our lives.  And this sense of derailment can lead us to worry, to be fearful and to be anxious that we are not on track for God’s plan for us.

But what if the chaos, problems and uncertainty were A PART of God’s plan for our lives? 

But what if moving “FORWARD” in life is partly found in feeling like you are moving “BACKWARDS” in life?

But what if the challenges we are facing now are THE ONLY WAY in which God can truly prepare us to live His will for our lives?

The video below is the story of a person who worried God might not have a plan for his life at all.  He prayed, and seemed to receive no answers to his biggest needs and direction in life.  He discovers that in embracing the “interruptions” in his life, he finds God’s purpose.

Trust God’s Plan


Writer:  Kim Boyce, PLMHP

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