Concordia Stories

President's Office
10 Habits to Start in College
Aug 30, 2023
Supporting Kids Through Sower Fellowships
Aug 29, 2023
Zachary Kollbaum: Dedicated teacher and coach works to ensure students "all know the love of Christ"
Aug 28, 2023
Academics, Students
9 Practical (and Fun!) Study Tips for College
Aug 25, 2023
Alumni Profile: Serving is a "joy and a delight" for Maria Schardt Castens
Aug 25, 2023
Alumni, News
Concordia Nebraska hires Derek Engelbart as Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Aug 24, 2023
Academics, Students
Concordia Nebraska Luke Scholars honors program graduates first seniors
Aug 23, 2023
Welcome Back to School, Teachers!
Aug 22, 2023
President's Office
The Compelling Calling of the Church Musician
Aug 22, 2023
Financial Aid
Tabitha Haynes, Financial Aid Specialist, Helps Students Navigate Financial Aid with an Emphasis on Relationships
Aug 17, 2023
Dr. Raegan Skelton Uses Love of Biology to Inspire Students
Aug 17, 2023
Alumni profile: Michelle Quinlan describes biostatistics career as "incredibly fulfilling"
Aug 15, 2023
Academics, Students
Senior Gabrielle Krutsinger Gains an Understanding of Therapy in Rural Communities in Summer Internship
Aug 15, 2023
Academics, Students
Senior Olivia Dunklau’s Summer Internship with the Lincoln Pro Baseball Saltdogs
Aug 11, 2023
Rev. Dr. John Genter teaches the importance of faith and family in Faith and Life classes
Aug 10, 2023
Academics, News
Concordia Nebraska reaffirms commitment to Christ-centered, Lutheran education following synod convention
Aug 7, 2023
Academics, Students
Senior Katherine Bauer Rehabilitates Big Cats at Wildlife Sanctuary Internship
Aug 3, 2023
Dr. Mark Meehl, Professor of Theology, Publishes Second Book, "Taanach II: The Iron Age Stratigraphy"
Jul 20, 2023
Concordia Nebraska hosts Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education annual summer coference
Jul 20, 2023
Concordia University, Nebraska Launches “Be Known,” a New Brand Campaign
Jul 18, 2023