Arand speaks at Concordia

Published by Concordia University, Nebraska 12 years ago on Fri, Feb 3, 2012 12:52 PM
Rev. Dr. Charles P. Arand conducts workshops and gives presentations on the care of creation and devotes much of his research time and writing to the topic of the Christian’s life within God’s creation.

Rev. Dr. Charles P. Arand spoke as part of the Looking Beyond Speaker Series at Concordia. The lecture, “Together with All Creatures: Caring for God’s Living Earth,” took place Wednesday, March 7, in the Weller Hall Auditorium.

Arand serves on the faculty at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. He authored Together with All Creatures, a report published in April 2010 by the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. In the document Arand explores what it means to live as human creatures called by God to care for our fellow creatures. It is used as a textbook in several classes at Concordia.

“The work challenges us to think theologically and ethically about engagement with the vital issues facing us in our uses of the world’s resources,” said Rev. Dirk Reek, assistant professor of theology.

The presentation was made possible through an ongoing gift from Martin and Regina Maehr.