Girl dinner, girl math, and girl romance

Published by Olivia 8 months ago on Fri, Sep 29, 2023 12:51 PM

While the guys sit in their rooms thinking about the Roman Empire, the girls are out here living in the present. We are thinking about girl dinner, girl math and the newest to the equation, girl romance (CUNE Edition). Girl dinner was a trend first found on Tik Tok and was something a lot of people related to, making it suddenly very popular. Girl math came shortly after girl dinner and was also founded on Tik Tok. Basically, more and more girls found that they related to girl math which soon also became a popular topic of conversation. 


Are you still wondering what girl dinner is? Let’s hear from girl dinner enthusiast Brooke Lange to explain the now trending phenomenon. 


“Girl dinner is when you put a random assortment of foods together that are only kind of dinner and you call it dinner,” said Brooke. “Like meat and cheese and apple slices and Cheetos and cucumbers. Or mac and cheese and chicken nuggets but also a bag of spinach.” 


For example, if I don’t feel like cooking a whole new meal for the night, I’ll eat my leftover mac and cheese. I might decide that my box of cheez-its and bowl of grapes in the fridge looks pretty appetizing as well. And if I’m still hungry, I might pull out any cheese slices or pre sliced lunch meat in the refrigerator. For my beverage, I am drinking water because it's free and I have to stay hydrated. 


Now, what is girl math? It’s an exceptional way of thinking in my opinion and also more commonly relates to money. Here is an example of girl math. If I buy a concert ticket for $126 for a concert that is six months away, I will have made that $126 back by working my little Concordia student worker jobs, and by the time of the concert, it is basically free! Need another example? If I spend $150 in cash and the other $50 with my card, then I’ve only spent $50! Girl math! It’s just a silly little thing that I personally think us girls use to make ourselves feel better about our spending habits. Now I’m not shaming anyone because I too am a girl who uses girl math to make herself feel better about the numbers in her bank account. 


This now brings us to our newest edition, girl romance, CUNE Edition. As girls, most of us have the natural desire to be in a relationship. When you come to college, let’s all admit it, relationships are a huge topic on your mind. Girl romance is basically when a girl over dramatizes and fantasizes about a romantic relationship with someone they like or find cute and attractive. 


Here are some Concordia related examples of girl romance: 

  • When he opens the door for you. 

    • And literally every other girl after you too… 

  • When he asks you, specifically to take the chair from your table in janz. 

    • He didn’t ask anyone else at the table… he made eye contact with you and only you. 

  • When you’re at opposite ends of the chapel but you walk up to communion at the same time. 

    • God definitely planned that and wanted it to happen in the most holy way. *praying hands emoji* 

  • When you go to his sports game and he runs into the endzone to score and looks up in the crowd and you think? pretend? imagine? That he’s looking at you. 

    • Okay this one is kind of a stretch… 

  • When you get seated next to him in Acapella Choir. 

    • VK definitely thinks you two look cute together and sat you there on purpose. That’s why he did it. 

  • When he comes to your shift at 10:31 every Thursday afternoon. 

    • You just know he comes to see you more and you know his order by heart. 


So there we have it. Girl romance, CUNE Edition. Maybe this was you freshman year or maybe this is you now and you’re reading this going “Wow, maybe he does really like me.” And with that I have to say, talk to God about it first. Anyways, it’s now cuffing season, so ladies and gents, please keep the Jtop PDA to a minimum. 

All this to say, girls do sometimes eat dinner that isn't just mac and cheese, and we sometimes make good financial decisions, and sometimes the boys we like do like us for real back. But when those things don't happen, it sure is fun to make girl decisions. 

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