* Registration opens November 1, 2024
For updates, be sure to follow the Nebraska Indoor Championship Series on X/Twitter: @NEIndoorTFChamp.
2024-25 Meet Info
Final entries are due the Saturday before each meet at 5 PM.
The Nebraska Indoor Track & Field Championship Series is a series of four open track and field meets for athletes in grades 9-12.
**UPDATE** We are adding a middle school division (5-8th grade) for the following events, 60m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m and Long Jump!
Dates for these meets are as follows:
MEET 1: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 3-5 PM | RESULTS (PDF)
MEET 2: Sunday, January 19, 2025, 3-5 PM | RESULTS (PDF)
MEET 3: Sunday, January 26, 2025, 3-5 PM | RESULTS (PDF)
CHAMPIONSHIP MEET: Sunday, February 9, 2025, 1:30-4 PM | REGISTER
• Revised Schedule (PDF) | Live Results
Previous Results
2024 Results - Meet 1 | Meet 2 | Meet 3 | Championship Meet
2023 Results - Meet 1 | Meet 2 | Meet 3 | Championship Meet
2022 Results - Meet 1 | Meet 2 | Meet 3 | Championship Meet
2020 Results - Meet 1 | Meet 2 | Meet 3
2019 Results - Meet 1 | Meet 2 | Meet 3
The Nebraska Indoor Track & Field Championship Series includes 12 events per gender, over the course of four indoor track & field competitions.
Medals will be awarded to the top three place finishers championship meet on February 9, 2025. If there is a tie in the top three places of a field event, the 2nd best individual mark from the competition will be used as a tiebreaker.
Individual Meet Registration:
- $15 per event per meet.
- Registrations must be completed online through the links provided above.
- No late registrations will be accepted and no registrations accepted over the event limits.
- Athletes in the grades 9-12 are eligible to compete. **5-8 graders eligible for select events**
- This is an individual/non high school team affiliated competition per the NSAA.
- Athletes are not permitted to wear any high school team issued uniforms.
- There is free admission for spectators and athletes.
Athlete Entry Limit:
- No limit on events entered per athlete.
Seeding will be base off entry mark. Please use accurate marks.
Events Contested, Maximum Number of Competitors Per Gender
60m Hurdles, 24
60m Dash, 24
200m, 24
400m, 24
800m, 24
1600m, 24
Long Jump, 24
Triple Jump, 24
High Jump, 16
Pole Vault, 16
Weight Throw, 24
Shot Put, 24
- ¼” Pyramid spikes only. No needle or Christmas tree spikes. Spikes may be checked at the beginning of the event.
Event Check In:
- Running Event competitors will pick up your hip numbers 15 minutes before the event starts at the north end of the infield at the hip number table. Check in with the clerk of the course at the appropriate start line 5 minutes before event start time.
- Field event competitors report directly to your event area 15 minutes before the event starts.
Horizontal Jumps and Throwing Event Format:
- Competitors will be given four attempts with no finals.
- If more than 12 competitors are entered in an event, the event will be seeded into two flights with the higher seeds in the later flight. In the event of a tie, the next best attempt will determine placing.
- The athlete is responsible for speaking with the event judge if he or she is in a conflicting event.
- Athletes may compete out of order in the preliminary flights; however, the attempts must be completed prior to the conclusion of their assigned flight. There will be a 1-minute time limit per attempt. In the event the time limit expires, that attempt will be a foul.
Throwing Implements and Pole Vault Poles:
- All throwing implements will be provided by Concordia University.
- Pole vaulters are strongly encouraged to bring their own poles; however, Concordia University will have poles available for use.
Warm up Information:
- 30-minute warm up period for each field event will be given as needed.
Pole Vault Starting Heights and Progression: (heights subject to change per meet director):
- Boys: 11’0”, 11’6”, 12’0”, 12’6”, 13’0”, 13’6”, 14’0”, 14’6”, 15’0”, 15’6”, 16’0”
- Girls: 8’0”, 8’6”, 9’0”, 9’6”, 10’0”, 10’6”, 11’0”, 11’6”, 12’0”, 12’6”, 13’0”
High Jump Starting Heights and Progression: (heights subject to change per meet director):
- Boys: 5’3”, 5’5”, 5’7”, 5’9”, 5’11”, 6’1”, 6’3”, 6’5”, 6’7” 6’8”, 6’9”, 6’10”
- Girls: 4’1”, 4’3”, 4’5”, 4’7” 4’9”, 4”11”, 5’1”, 5’3”, 5’5”, 5’6”, 5’7” 5’8”, 5’9”