Photo of Christoph Marsh

Christoph Marsh

Concordia, Mo.
Previous School
St. Paul Lutheran High School
Esports Games
League of Legends logo

Christoph Marsh


How did you get into esports?
I am competitive person who has always been interested in videogames. It only made sense.

What’s your favorite game and why?
I'm not a person who played favorites, I tend to play something, and if it is fun, I'll play it more. So I guess by that metric, borderlands 2 and Civilization 5 are my favorite games, as those are the ones I have put the most time into. 

Why did you choose Concordia?
They were putting the most work into getting me to come to their school, and I liked their music program.

What are your esports goals?
I actually want to learn how the whole esports scene operates. I also cannot wait to compete in 5 stacks against other schools.